Hobi Code – Jasa Pembuatan Website

SearchGPT’s Role in Transforming SEO and Content Marketing Strategies with AI – Hobicode

SearchGPT’s Role in Transforming SEO and Content Marketing Strategies with AI In today’s fast-paced digital marketing landscape, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. SEO and content marketing have always been essential components of online success, but with the rapid advancements in technology, these strategies are evolving. Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of […]

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A Comprehensive AI Vision in Financial Services for 2025 and Beyond – Hobicode

AI telah menjadi kenyataan dalam industri Layanan Keuangan (FSI) sejak lama, bukan hanya sekedar impian yang terlalu berlebihan. Dengan analitik dan ilmu data yang kuat terutama dalam bidang deteksi penipuan, anti pencucian uang (AML), dan manajemen risiko, industri ini akan memimpin gelombang kemampuan yang didukung oleh teknologi berbasis AI generatif. Industri ini berada di ambang […]

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Technology is an Engine of Change, but Humans Will Drive It Forward – Hobicode

Technology is an Engine of Change, but Humans Will Drive It Forward In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays a crucial role in shaping how businesses interact with their customers. Customer Experience (CX) is all about how people engage with brands they know and trust, and the quality of that interaction can make or break a […]

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Why Analog AI Could Be the Future of Energy-Efficient Computing – Hobicode

Analog AI: Solusi Masa Depan Komputasi Hemat Energi Kemajuan kecerdasan buatan telah mengubah cara kita hidup, memberdayakan alat dan layanan yang kitaandalkan setiap hari. Dari chatbot hingga perangkat pintar, sebagian besar kemajuan ini berasal dari kecerdasan buatan digital. Kecerdasan buatan digital sangat kuat, mengolah jumlah data yang besar untuk memberikan hasil yang mengesankan. Namun kekuatan […]

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Gemini 2.0: Meet Google’s New AI Agents – Hobicode

Gemini 2.0: Pertemuan dengan Agen AI Baru Google Google telah meluncurkan Gemini 2.0, yang merupakan versi terbaru dari agen AI mereka. Meskipun asisten AI saat ini sangat baik dalam merespons pertanyaan, peluncuran Gemini 2.0 dapat membawa pergeseran yang mendalam dalam kemampuan AI dan agen otonom. Pada intinya, Gemini 2.0 memproses beberapa aliran informasi – teks, […]

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3 Core Principles to Drive ROI from GenAI Deployments – Hobicode

### 3 Prinsip Inti untuk Meningkatkan ROI dari Implementasi GenAI Pemimpin perusahaan dengan antusias ingin menerapkan kecerdasan buatan generatif (GenAI) di bisnis mereka. Namun, mengapa begitu banyak proyek gagal untuk keluar dari tahap proof of concept (POC)? Dalam sebuah acara Gartner baru-baru ini, Rita Sallam, analis wakil presiden terkemuka, mengatakan bahwa setidaknya 30% proyek GenAI […]

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Junyoung Lee, President of Technology & Yanolja Group CTO, Co-CEO at Yanolja Cloud – Interview Series – Hobicode

Junyoung Lee, the President of Technology and CTO at Yanolja Group, as well as Co-CEO at Yanolja Cloud, is a visionary leader with a wealth of experience in the tech industry. With a distinguished career at Google spanning nearly two decades, Junyoung has been at the forefront of groundbreaking engineering initiatives and has played a […]

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Techno-Panic: Reclaiming Human Value in the Age of Technological Obsession – Hobicode

Techno-Panic: Merebut Kembali Nilai Manusia di Era Obsesi Teknologi Dalam perlombaan tanpa henti untuk merangkul teknologi mutakhir, perusahaan sering jatuh ke dalam perangkap mahal: keliru menganggap adopsi sebagai inovasi. Teknologi seperti AI dan realitas tertambah sedang mengalami siklus hype mereka masing-masing, dan media senang menyoroti eksperimen yang gagal dan biaya yang terbuang saat perusahaan berlomba-lomba […]

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Boaz Mizrachi, Co-Founder and CTO of Tactile Mobility – Interview Series – Hobicode

Boaz Mizrachi, Co-Founder and CTO of Tactile Mobility – Interview Series Boaz Mizrachi is a veteran technologist and entrepreneur with over three decades of experience in signal processing, algorithm research, and system design in the automotive and networking industries. As the Co-Founder and CTO of Tactile Mobility, Boaz has played a crucial role in driving […]

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Agent Memory in AI: How Persistent Memory Could Redefine LLM Applications – Hobicode

Agent Memory in AI: How Persistent Memory Could Redefine LLM Applications Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, enabling machines to perform complex tasks and provide intelligent responses. Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, BERT, and Llama have taken conversational AI to new heights, delivering rapid and human-like interactions. However, […]

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